Environmental Policy
VPC is implementing Acron Group’s project to create a potash raw material base in Russia. We recognise the impact of this major project and our responsibility for environmental protection and social development in the region where we operate.
The project’s environmental solutions
As part of the Talitsky mine construction at the Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salt deposit, we conducted a comprehensive engineering research programme, including environmental engineering surveys and hydrometeorological surveys.
- The surveys have proven that the physical impact of the project, including exposure to noise, electric and magnetic fields, external gamma radiation and vibration, is within acceptable limits. The radon flux density meets the standards; therefore, no engineering measures for anti-radon protection are required.
- The quality of the surface water, groundwater and soil at the site complies with all applicable environmental and sanitary regulations.
- There are no cultural heritage sites (including archaeological sites), registered with the state supervisory authorities, at the Talitsky mine area and adjacent area.
- In the construction area there are no animal migration routes and no animals or plants on the Red List of Threatened Species.
- There are no protected areas of Russia, World Natural Heritage sites, wetlands or other reserves within the impact zone of the Talitsky mine.
The surveys did not reveal any obstacles to the construction of the Talitsky mine. All aspects of environmental conditions at the project site and in the surveyed area comply with applicable Russian environmental and sanitary regulations.
Prior to the start of construction, we had assessed the environmental impact of the project and prepared design documents, including mitigation measures.
According to the project documentation, the expected maximum surface concentration of all emitted pollutants during the construction and operation of the Talitsky mine project will remain below the permitted air pollutant concentration limits for populated areas and places designated for public recreation, measured at the boundary of the buffer zone and the adjacent regulated area.
The estimated noise pollution and noise level at the boundary of the buffer zone and the residential area during construction and operation of the facility will not exceed the maximum permissible limits.
To minimise the negative impact on the environment, the project will use the latest high-capture aspiration systems, maintain industrial environmental monitoring, and operate properly functioning machines and mechanisms with adjusted fuel equipment to ensure that pollutants in the exhaust gases do not exceed the standard limits.
Surface water and groundwater
We obtain potable and industrial water from our own wells.
To reduce water consumption and prevent the environmental impact of industrial water, the project returns clarified brine from the sludge storage to the processing plant and uses it in production process.
The project provides for recycling water supply: most of the treated wastewater will be used by the mine and processing plant. The rest will be discharged into a river.
Water treatment facilities purify wastewater to a level acceptable for fishing waters.
Production and consumption waste, waste disposal facilities
The mine design includes tailing facilities—a salt dump and slurry storage facility—for disposal of process waste. The tailing facilities will be equipped with barrier dams along the perimeter and an impervious screen to prevent contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water.
As a reclamation measure, the project provides for the construction of a hydraulic stowage plant to backfill the mined area with salt tailings from the processing plant. Backfilling will help reduce surface storage of waste. In total, over 60% of the salt waste will be stored in mined-out areas during the life of the mine.
VPC will reclaim the waste disposal facilities after decommissioning.
Biological resources
The project’s area does not include any critical habitats or natural sites important for biodiversity, which is quite limited in this region due to severe climate and an extensive industrial development in the past. There are also no nature reserves or wildlife habitats in the surrounding area that are protected in accordance with international standards. However, the rivers in the area are classified as fishing reservoirs, so we compensate for damage from our construction operations by releasing juvenile fish in the quantities and locations specified by the government authorities.
There are no federal, regional or local protected areas, wildlife migration routes, World Natural Heritage sites, or wetlands located within the project’s impact zone. No rare, endemic or relict plants included in various Red Lists have been discovered at the Talitsky mine site. There are also no areas where valuable wild herbs grow in sufficient quantities to be harvested.
The state environmental expert board approved the Talitsky mine design documentation and found it complying with all environmental and engineering standards and national regulations.
VPC aims to conduct its business in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, as set out in its environmental policy, and takes all management decisions with due regard to environmental and social aspects.
Our major environmental objectives
- Assess the environmental impact of a project at the pre-construction and decommissioning stages within the area of its implementation.
- Operate in accordance with ESG principles and consider the environmental and social aspects as an integral part of its business when making management decisions.
- Fully comply with Russian environmental laws and take into account best available technology.
- Prevent environmental degradation in its footprint region.
- Ensure that all contractors working at VPC facilities comply with environmental, and occupational health and safety requirements.
- Engage in meaningful communication with all stakeholders to better understand and meet their expectations and needs.